Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Quick Win

After two months of hard work, I finally delivered my quick win! Yes, the last weekend was a success, at least in my opinion. Everything went smooth, with no major issues. Guess what, suddenly all of my hatred for "the you know who" suddenly gone, for I was only concentrating in achieving my deliverable! 

The silver lining and the best things I have learned so far, despite the hatred I have in "you know who and what", I learn so much about being part of the solution every time there is a problem. Little by little, the "can do" spirit to take a different perspective and see more opportunities than threats grow inside me, and that, tremendously warm my heart. That leaves me with a beautiful feeling within, and I really hope, I can stay like this forever. 

That proves I can be better, I can change, and most importantly, life can be so much better. 

So now, I just want to stay focus in doing the right thing, keeping up the optimism and bring out the positive within me. 

I may now be broken, my body is cracking down and honestly I was in a really bad shape, but there is always a silver lining in everything you are doing, so .......... Thank God for the whole arrangement :)

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