Saturday, July 30, 2011

let me think twice

I really feel that everybody's changing. So is communication landscape. And so are our social norms and principles. So are our stigma and perception.

Due to many things, definitely, globalization is absolutely.

Kalo dulu kita semua berpikir bahwa setelah lulus kuliah, dapetin kerja yang layak, terus menikah dan punya anak, sekarang mungkin tidak.
Menikah, apalagi punya anak, sekarang jadi pilihan. Atau bahkan jadi momok yang menakutkan.
Saya tidak bilang kalau orang-orang jaman dulu pasti menikah dan punya anak, tapi kebanyakan ya begitu. Jujur, waktu saya masih kecil, ya begitulah persepsi saya akan masa depan.
Tetapi setelah saya beranjak dewasa, persepsi saya berubah. Benar-benar berubah.
Saya melihat beberapa teman saya yang memang memutuskan untuk tidak menikah. Dan tidak punya anak. Dan saya pun lama-lama berpikir, bahwa menikah bukanlah melulu perihal hidup bahagia ala fairy tale, tapi itu sebuah komitmen yang membutuhkan kekuatan besar untuk bertahan menghadapi cobaan yang ada. Menikah bukan hanya sekadar tinggal bersama, tapi juga menyatukan dua hati dari dua kutub yang berbeda, tapi punya tujuan yang sama. Saya ngerasain betul gimana kerja di kantor yang untuk menyelesaikan satu tugas yang sama, semua orang punya caranya masing-masing dan mereka pastinya gamau dipaksa untuk menyelesaikannya dengan cara kita. Begitu juga kehidupan pernikahan. Yang bisa kita lakukan sebagai pasangan ya berusaha untuk saling mengerti, instead of forcing somebody to do as we say. Tapi, even before we say yes to long-life commitment, we need to find someone that we can rely on for the rest of our lives, which is not easy at all. Dan itulah tantangan yang sedang saya hadapi di tahapan kehidupan ini. I am not saying that I am looking for it now, but I don't deny if I am looking for that quality as early as I can, tentunya supaya ga salah pilih dan menyesal pada akhirnya. Dan saya, yang dulunya tergila-gila untuk menikah karena selalu membayangkan kehidupan dongeng dan hari pernikahan yang mewah, sekarang stick pada prinsip bahwa tidak perlu memaksa menikah jika memang tidak ada orang yang pantas dan sepadang untuk kita. Saya tidak berbicara mengenai latar belakang pendidikan atau ekonomi atau apapun itu. Pantas dan sepadan di sini seyogyanya dilihat dari kepribadiannya. Apakah orang tersebut memang mampu menghadapi saya, mau menerima saya apa adanya, in good or bad times, till death do us part. Dan kalau memang tidak ada orang yang pantas, buat apa dipaksakan? Secara hidup udah susah, dan ga perlu kita nambahin susahnya.

Disinilah saya merasa bahwa nilai-nilai yang saya anut sejak kecil sudah mulai bergeser. Dan saya gatau apakah saya ini korban globalisasi dan modernisasi karena berpikir demikian, atau kah ini berarti saya beranjak dewasa?

Siapa sih sekarang yang gatau kalau impian saya terdahulu adalah untuk menikah dan bahagia? It was my biggest purpose in life.
But now? Let me think twice.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

untuk si jago merah yang suka berlaga

Suara kompak menggelegar dari gelora, menyanyikan sebait lagu yang sangat melekat di kepala, membakar semangat siapapun yang melihatnya - termasuk para pemain yang berada di arena dan tak kurang pula merasuk dalam hati jutaan penonton kotak kaca di penjuru dunia.

Tak pernah terbayangkan sebelumnya dalam sanubari saya bahwa sebuah olahraga dapat menyatukan hati yang tak terhitung banyaknya. Siapapun yang menyaksikan pertandingan itu ikut terbawa suasana, mendukung negara yang saya sindir tak mampu berlaga.

Terharu saya melihat bagaimana Indonesia menaruh harapan besar bagi sepak bolanya, yang sempat terbelakang di waktu-waktu terdahulu. Terharu melihat betapa nasionalisme terukir di setiap insan para pendukung yang berpeluh mengorbankan kenyamanan untuk menyeruak dalam kerumunan merah itu.

Beruntung politik kotor para petinggi tidak sempat mencari singgasana di dalamnya. Jika tidak, hancur sudah harapan bagi angin segar yang selama ini menghidupi pencinta bola dan pencinta bangsa.

Dunia bisa melihat. Dunia bisa membaca. Akan ada harinya bagi bangsa ini untuk bangkit dan menunjukkan kemampuan yang sesungguhnya. Semoga.

Meramaikan suasana sembari mengukuhkan nilai nasionalisme melalui olahraga

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

love that will last

July 19, 2011
3 Pm (GMT +7)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

three lil birds

three lil birds finally meet up again!
this time they picked me up at the office :D
chat and laugh, just like the old times.
love love and lots of love for you guys :*

Appetite, Jakarta

6.00 (GMT+7)

Sekali-sekali kumpul di Melbourne dong! Hahaha

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Valkyries

Just finished reading The Valkyries by Paulo Coelho, a novel which meaning I did not understand at first time. I mean, angels? Do they even exist? Yeah, this one novel is talking about Angels, about how Paulo struggled to meet his angel, flying and driving all the way down to Mexio from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Just to meet his angel, without knowing how. Crazy as it may sound, but he followed his heart. And that's the consistent message he was trying to say.

However, I see this book as one moral value teaching us to believe that angels do exist, that we are not alone thefore we should not be afraid to anything nor anybody. Solitude is the worst enemy ever, the book might say. But then we shall let the stubborness to find our angels, will let us meet one. Just like what Paulo experienced.

And here we go to the best quote, as I always did to recommend the previous books,

"We are not alone. The world is changing, and we are a part of the transformation. The angels guide us and protect us. Despite all the injustice in the world, and despite the things that happen to us that we feel we don't deserve, and despite the fact that we sometimes feel incapable of changing what is wrong with people and with the world, and despite all of the Grand Inquisitor's argumetns - love is even stronger, and it will help us to grow. Only then will we be able to understand the stars and miracles."

Love is indeed very strong. It shall conquer all.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

sweet in the afternoon

Nathan Coffee,
July 7, 2011
13.23 (GMT+7)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

passion reveals its beauty

I am running out of words, seriously.
I have never imagined to have a serious blast in my birthday, when people wished me so. Have you?

It was a usual morning, a morning that I wished (as I have said before) to be skipped for just one day. But looking at the postings in facebook, messages in my inbox, and bbm from all caring friends, I totally changed my mind.

I even cried when I heard voice notes from Hasti and Lita very early in the morning. They were just, so nice. I couldn't stop smiling, knowing that there are people out there, plenty of them, cared for me. Maybe it wasn't huge enough for some people, but for me, being afraid that I would be alone in my birthday, it was.

My colleagues at the office congratulated me very warmly. And it was funny that they hated hearing my actual age, well, I'm considered super young among the crowd.
(And I wish I could stay as teenager a bit longer :p)

Thing got even better in the evening, when I firstly went out for lunch somewhere. I was eating when Jovi called me asking where I was. When she knew I was out, the caller changed to one furious and pissed off lady, Fany. Haha, they were trying to suprise me. But, sorry mate! Haha you did not do it smoothly.
They asked everyone. But the office girl in the office did not get it right. So they called Gandis instead of Gadis.

I hastened all the way back and found them when the lift opened, sitting wearily. And they brought PISANG KEJU for me! Not a fancy cake nor fancy candles. It was pisang keju plus candle for blackout! Hahahaahaha
Lovely. And I love them even more.
Dika sacrificed her lunch time only to get me there, BY KOPAJA!
So guys, I never feel insulted by the cake and its accesories.
I simply loved you all for what you've done in my life. For your companion. And for they joy you've brought whenever you're around.
So, thank you, for Yovita Ayu Liwanuru, Patricia Andika, and the one and only, Fany Nasution.
For Ignes and Saras, I knew you're out somewhere, but still, thank you.

suprise 1.1 Pisang Keju :)

Finally I finished my work after chatting with three of 'em and hurried back. By the time I wanted to go home, my boss and colleagues brought one opera cake and sang Happy Birthday. What a suprise!
I did not know they actually cared about the-just-work-here--for-two-weeks-intern.
So I was so happy, sharing one fine moment with them.
Thank you, every one. Especially Mbak Nila and Mbak Tania for the wonderful suprise.

Then I went for dining with Jerry to Chef Kitchen, Kemang. Along the way there, I opened my birthday present, which were a very cute "paris" note book with picture collage of me attached, Paulo Coelho newest book that I fond, and a book for making and selling cupcakes - to support my mission to start cupcakes business with Fany haha.
Not to mention, there was one card from him too, which was a thing he seldom did. Or never did. Haha.
So, thank you Jerry Karaprianto, for the endless friendship.

Chef Kitchen sucked that night, we moved to Eastern Promise and celebrated our friendship by talking heart to heart (read : our nasty dirty little secrets). We then felt so relieved afterwards. It was all revealed.

The night did not end that easy.
Another suprise was waiting for me.
Yeah, Ketie, Hasti, Lita, and Fany (again) came to my house, bringing a beautiful opera cake, a masterpiece of birthday cards (which I fond the most), and a birthday present!
The night ended magnificent because of their presence.
I just loved loved loved the night where we could actually meet up. Finally, after hospital consumed me.
So, thank you, Fany Nasution (again), Hasti Triana Putri, Lita Putri Rinanti, and Ketie Sasenda. You guys rocked!!

It was a blast. Told ya.
Love and care.
That were all I felt. Mood booster, you guys were.

I've never had so much fun in one day like what I had yesterday.
So I really thank you all from the deepest part of my heart.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

thank you

It would have been such a huge mistake if I really wanted to skip this day.
There was this feeling, in the bottom of my heart, that wished God would skip just one day for me, because of few reasons.
Maybe, because I don't want to feel lonely.
Maybe, because it would be just another day.
Maybe, because I am afraid to see what would happen next.
Maybe, because I am not ready to be mature
Maybe, because I regret my life.
Or, I don't know.
Just maybe.

But again, I should have never had those kind of thoughts.
Because even early today, loving friends comforted me.
They were there for me.

So, early in this morning as well, I cried. For happiness.
I thank God for his tremendous blessings for me.
I can't thank Him enough for those best friends and family.

Thank you for wonderful twenty years that have passed, where you never left me alone.

Friends out there,
I am sorry I couldn't mention you one by one.
But deep down, I can't be more thankful to have you all, and I thank you for being such great companions.
I know you all know who you are.

I really don't know if I already am mature enough to be 20, but, here I am, with all the best wishes from my friends and those wishes in my heart, praying for the best of life.

Thank you.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Alles Gute. Amanda Dwyniaputeri.

Am crying of proudness and happiness for my best friend, Amanda Dwyniaputeri, an extremely dedicated traditional dancer, dancing to bring Indonesian culture and let it sparks beautifully abroad.

There are too many words to explain how proud I am of you for what you have done, for yourself, for your family and friends, for your almamater, and for your country.

Keep up the great work, babe.
I will always support you for this :)



Am listening to black box "Fall into my love" at the moment. Can't resist the peaceful feeling inside. Oh I love the guitar!