Sunday, July 6, 2014

Birthday Reflection

This crazy stomachache couldn't find me in a worse day. Yes, just right on my birthday, it came up and got me struggling much, even to sleep fitfully. But always, I believe there's always a meaningful purpose behind all things, including this terrible feeling. 

It provides me the right time to actually reflect, looking back at how I spent 22 years of my life, whether I have done justice to it, or not. 

Well, what can I say? I guess worrisome has been my constant friend, but today, it sounds more like "kegalauan" instead. My indecisiveness kills me most of the time, wasted my time. But I could really feel that I am growing, hopefully towards a better person. Being stubborn is one thing, but I think I acquire a little degree of flexibility in coping with uncertainty (hopefully). 

I realized how naive I have been. I rejected people's ideas although knowing they tried to help simplify my thinking process. I would not like their framework or approach, (as usual) I became very strong-headed, even to just try. Hmmm… 

What I feel most thankful for, is my beloved family and closed ones. I feel so blessed to have them today. Got plenty of new friends, wonderful ones, insightful and inspiring at the same time. My windows of opportunity to gain knowledge are as broad as the horizon, so to lebaufully say. Hahahahaha. 

Thank you, Lord, for the amazing life. It's been a great, great journey with You by my side. 

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