Monday, May 6, 2013

Emotional Writing

Now I perfectly get it. I used to think I am a negative person, judging from all of my postings in this blog. Well you can make diagram and find out that most of my writings are those complaints, my low time in life, anger or anything classified desperate. Even I once wrote how I should change into a more positive person that writes more positive stories. 

Now, fuck it. Perhaps people share their best moments in their blog because they like it, because they want to share their happiness, or because they want to brag about it. I AM NOT. As simple as that. I use this blog as one cup to express feelings I can't show to anyone; mostly whenever I feel depressed. Writing helps me channel those negative emotions. One or two happy postings would function as diary, because I realize how helpful blog to save all of the moments in life. So, that's who I am. Why should I be ashamed of myself? Why should I change?

I am a complicated person. Everyone said so. So what? I should be happy being myself and not the opposite. If you don't like it, screw you. Who cares?

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