Saturday, October 6, 2012


G: "There are so many times I feel like giving up, but I don't know why I can't let him go."
D: "You love him. I wish my girl had half the love you have for your man, and 1/10 of your fighting spirit to make things work."

I was flattered that one of my friends actually said that when I was seriously down fighting with him. Again. At least somebody realizes my devotion. Not the one that I wish he would, but at least someone does. 

However, now, I know I am being such a pain in the ass. I am being stubborn. Again. 

Well, do you know how it feels, crying for 2,5 hours and being left alone? I do. I feel like I am not being loved. Oh, please. I do not need to mention all the things he did. It was just overwhelming. I know I made mistakes. Bad ones, but that does not mean I do not deserve respect or pity. 

Oh, am I defending myself again, now?

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