Thursday, November 24, 2011

It's Complicated

There are times when I envy my best friends who currently have boyfriends. Well, although they have their own ups and downs, at least they keep everything normal. They can be very intimate and sweet, although sometimes hard and cold-stone, especially when fighting.

Oh, how I miss those moments.

I can't say I have a boyfriend. But I can't say I'm single either. It's just complicated. He's nice and sweet in his own way, but he's just not a boyfriend to me. The kind of relationship we are having is just too odd to be true.

I am not saying that I can't be myself when I am with him, it's just that we are too proud to admit that we need each other. Even if I did, he doesn't bother. OMG, I just sounded so pathetic :(

We have come to a stage where we claim we are sincere to one another, therefore we don't bother to interact like what most couples usually do. Yet, I begin to think, is that the true reason, or we just don't want to be trapped in commitment? Hmmmm.... Too complicated to explain.

Gosh, you don't know how much you mean to me.

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