Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Seeing the first few scenes of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, I kinda underestimated the movie. Even, I thought of a huge regretful feeling, knowing that I agreed to watch that movie. Seriously, I thought it was a piece of junk: a lot of (extremely) exaggerated actions and the so-not-anticipated storyline, I was so disappointed.

Up to my surprise, I actually enjoyed that movie a lot. Not that the exaggerated scenes were away, but more to the story and the morals it was trying to point out. I saw a very down to earth story depicting a citizen of a big city, living in a country like America, with his own struggle being daydreamer, not so much money in his pocket but trying to afford a living for him and his mother. Not only that, his “unique” experience and so-not-brave movements in front of a woman he liked. That was just, grounded. Something that most people, especially perhaps in America, can relate to because it’s just so close to real life.

In a broader context, it also pictured the issue of a magazine who wasn’t able to make ends meet, turning into a new digital platform, with an entirely different direction and board and ended up laying people off their previous jobs. Definitely, it was a real issue, haunting the real people, trying to lift up the shout from those whose life was ruined.

Everything was just falling into pieces: how people just sometimes need a boost to go out there, explore, fight for life and risk a lot of things to get something right; how we were missing things that were right in front of our faces so often because we were trying to find a drama out of things; or how being nice as a boss or newcomer is actually a must; how a mom would always be there for you; how an annoying sister is still a part of family. There were plenty to enjoy. Something small from a casual life, but something special that we actually should be thankful for. 

People will surely have different views on it. Again, that’s how I see it. I just see something worth sitting down, or at least considering. It touches my heart, that’s the most important part. It gave me moment to ponder.

Just a simple story with huge meaning.

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