Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 28, 2011

happy birthday dear Chandra :)
God be with you always


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

hari pemalas sedunia

hari ini hujan deras mengguyur Jurong West siang menuju sore hari. saya jelas basah terjebak hujan karena kebiasaan melupakan payung. hujan selalu punya efek berbeda bagi setiap orang. tapi efek yang saya temukan hampir sama di setiap orang adalah "rasa malas" untuk melakukan apapun. hujan banyak membuat orang membayangkan kasur dan selimut. dan melepas kepenatan seterusnya.

itulah tepatnya yang saya lakukan. saya tidak berniat belajar. mengerjakan tugas. atau apapun. saya memilih untuk menyeduh mie dalam cup. makan semua biskuit persediaan dalam lemari, dan menikmati film-film dari youtube.

film ini adalah salah satu film kesukaan saya sejak kecil. dan setiap kali saya menontonnya, saya pasti menangis. dan saya suka sekali dibuat menangis oleh film. bagi saya, film yang berhasil membuat saya menangis, itu adalah film yang bagus, apapun ceritanya hahahaha

ya, jadi saya menonton sekali lagi. dan menangis sekali lagi. ceritanya sangat menyentuh. film ini memberikan saya inspirasi dan semangat, untuk berani bermimpi. untuk berani berimajinasi. karena hidup ini memang adalah drama. hidup adalah panggung sandiwara.

masih betah berlama-lama di tempat tidur, saya tertarik untuk menonton cin(t)a. tapi kemudian keinginan itu tergantikan dengan film lain, mereka bilang saya monyet, yang diperankan oleh titi sjuman.

awalnya, saya merasa film ini sama saja seperti film sebelumnya. berbau dongeng. tidak riil. tidak mampu ditangkap logika karena seakan hiperbola. tapi jika kita mau memperhatikan lebih jauh, film ini benar-benar bertolak belakang. film ini benar-benar rendah hati.

rendah hati berarti mengungkapkan realitas nyata. dekat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. dan itulah yang berusaha digambarkan oleh film ini. di mana banyak sekali korban penganiayaan dan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, yang tak tertangkap oleh berita.
korban tersebut memilih untuk diam, atau terpaksa untuk diam, karena tak punya pilihan lain. korban tersebut tinggal dalam kekelaman, seakan tak mampu bangkit untuk membela diri. dan ini adalah realitas. dan korban tersebut adalah orang-orang terdekat kita, yang mungkin tidak kita ketahui keadaannya.

disinilah saya mengangkat topi untuk Djenar Maesa Ayu, karena dia selalu melahirkan ide-ide brilian pada topik-topik yang masih dianggap tabu oleh masyarakat. dia berani terlihat berbeda. dia bisa menciptakan kesadaran bagi kaum muda akan kehadiran korban kekerasan tersebut. karena dia lah, saya sadar, bahwa kasus semacam itu nyata. dan ada. dan dekat.

peka. itu penting.

Monday, February 21, 2011

my dad is a free thinker

That is the term I used, when I tried to explain my dad's religious view to my Singaporean friend.
Yes, it is the term that most of Singaporean familiar with. Actually, the term is not only popular in Singapore, but also other developed countries like United States and European countries, I reckon.

They use the term "free thinker" to explain someone who is regarded as an atheist in Indonesia.
Someone who does not hold any religion, simply because he or she does not believe in God.

This post is not to highlight my dad's religious point of view.
By contrast, this post wants to highlight one point.
A point which explains how a country, through its society, should be more careful in using any term, that might create negative stereotype towards anyone.

Yeah, that is a point I want to achieve.
Question would be, why a term "free thinker" is better then a term "atheist" ?
It conveys the same message. Why is using term should be something important?

Believe me, in this modern world, we try to do our best not to offend people.
Using a right term might be one way to achieve it.
Again, in this modern era, people are more sophisticated.
They are clustered into many divisions, of economy, education, social status, religion, and many else. They have developed different way of thinking methods and all.

If we want to stay a little longer in this kind of world, we need to respect others.
There is no other way to maintain a relationship, than by starting with respect.

Using a right term, or better term, will show respect to one's belief.
Although Indonesia is a "negara beragama", it does not necessarily mean that we all should have one religion. If we should, then it means we are forcing someone to stay in a bogus faith, which is pointless.

It will be better, in my humble opinion, to respect one's decision not to have faith.
And do not look at them as they are criminals.
I said that because I know several people who think that way.

Now, do you get the point why using the term "free thinker" is better?
It is because you see someone as free, he or she is not binded with rules and regulations, in which they chose to do so.
The term atheist somehow pinpoint the idea of emphasizing that theist is the one and only way to live, which is not.

What do you think?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

to be thankful is not that hard

I find today very wonderful :)

I finally had the chance to go to church, to meet God, to pray, to have communion, to go to a place where everyone praises the same Lord,
the same Almighty.

To sing, to praise your God, to talk heart to heart, to share everything with Him, after a long time I haven't done so, it's just an amazing feeling.

I found it very peaceful and overwhelming, like I couldn't stop thanking Him, for giving me such wonderful life with completely wonderful gifts.

The fact that I am here now, for a great opportunity to study, is one of His wonderful gifts. And the rest, are just too many to tell one by one. I just want to thank Him again and again, for giving me this life, for giving me all of nice people to be around, for everything.

The other wonderful thing is that I finally had the chance to meet both of my high school friends, Dinda and Ika. Both of them are now living in Singapore. Dinda is here for her study in NAFA while Ika is here for her internship - a very wonderful experience for each of them. I missed them so so much for such a long time, and unbelievably they are here!! (or I should say, I am here!! finally!! hehehehe)

We went for Orchard Road's Shopping Malls. We entered some stores, fell in love with the products, ended up chatting like crazy @ ion Food Opera or something. We talked a lot about many things, but the most interesting thing was when we talked about future.

Yes, it's always an interesting subject, but one thing distinguished the usual talk about it : we realized that we are grown up now. We weren't the same kids we used to be in high schools, busy talking about boys or stuffs. We are now a new generation of the world where we have the responsibilty to do something, to contribute to ourselves, our future, our family, and our world.
And the images are getting even clearer for Ika is going to graduate THIS SEMESTER. She will be graduating next June, the earliest among all, I think. She has to think more on her future, than the rest of us. She should find a job. FOR REAL.

The problem is that we haven't found what we are looking for. We haven't found our deep passion upon something. Dinda is quite sure about "branding" while me and Ika : we have no idea. Like me, I am still not sure about Public Relations. I am not sure about working in office from 9 to 5, sitting behind my desk. I really want to teach, join Indonesia Mengajar, but then the question would me, will my parents allow me to do that? They will always support us for everything we do, but will they be proud of us when we do something not ordinary?

After Dinda went home, Ika and I had her dinner. We continued the conversation and it got even better time to time. We were chatting about relationship, marriage, God, family, many things! The bottom line of the story was we were just so thankful to be here, in Singapore, where we can actually realize how precious life, family, and best friends are.

I want to thank Him even more.

I already miss the conversation we had.

Manda is true, we need to get out from our comfort zone, from Indonesia, and see a beautiful world outside.

Friendssss, thank you so much for the wonderful evening. I love you both :*
And I love you, Manda :)

I miss you all, best friends.

God, thank you for everything.
Thank you.
I am so thankful to have You.

Friday, February 4, 2011

jalan terus!

Rasa-rasanya, setiap kali mau menulis, pasti saja ada yang membuat saya enggan.
Dulu, saya tak pernah tahu apa itu.
Hari ini rasanya saya tahu.

Saya selalu belajar dari manusia.
Kalau kebanyakan orang belajar melalui buku, yang sebenarnya adalah perwujudan manusia di dalam kertas, saya lebih senang belajar langsung. Lewat pembicaraan yang menghadirkan fisik manusia di dalamnya.
Tapi, yang namanya teknologi selalu berkembang. Tak perlu lagi lah bertemu untuk sekadar belajar, baca saja blog orang tersebut, maka Anda akan dapat banyak pelajaran.

Lantas, apa hubungannya belajar dari blog dengan enggan menulis?
Ya, sekilas, keduanya memang seperti garis yang sejajar, tak memiliki titik temu.
Tetapi, bagi saya, jelas keduanya berhubungan.
Saya banyak melihat dan membaca blog orang-orang. Mulai dari teman terdekat sampai orang-orang terkenal dan terkemuka di mancanegara. Dari sanalah saya mulai terinspirasi untuk melakukan banyak hal. Terinspirasi juga untuk menulis.

Anehnya, saya justru jarang sekali menulis setelah saya melihat blog-blog tersebut.
Mengapa begitu?


Kok rasanya orang-orang amat pandai ya menulis? Mengapa saya tidak?

Nah ya,
rasa-rasa semacam ini kemudian muncul.
Malu, rendah diri, pengecut.

Sudah bukan saatnya saya merasa begitu.

Hari ini saya berefleksi,
justru dengan enggan menulis, kemampuan saya untuk menulis tidak bertambah.
Malah bertambah buruk karena kemampuannya sudah terlampau berkarat.

Jadi, sudah benar ketika inspirasi itu datang.
Dan ketika sebuah inspirasi datang, harus langsung dibawa ke meja eksekusi.
Supaya tak berkarat dan tak usang.
Justru kalau sudah begitu, pantang lah mundur.
Jalan terus!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

- river hongbao, cnye

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

my new room :p

Tan Min Er.
Everyone calls her Min Er.
Me? I am her roomate.

We have been together for 2 weeks now.
Nevertheless, we are so close than ever!
At first, I thought I wouldn't be this close with her.
Apparently, reality shows the opposite.

The fact that she is very nice, especially to me, makes me adore her so much :)
Not only nice, but also clever : she posseses many abilities, from languages, computers, and many more.
Can you imagine, she teaches me computer stuffs to tips and trick getting a good boyfriend.
Now you know how clever and nice she is.....

With a great personality, here is the picture of me and Min Er..

The things I like the most on the first day I arrived in Singapore is the fact that I have my own room! Well, not exactly my own, cause I still need to share it with my roomate hehe but I have my own bed, I have my own desk!, and ... wait for it... my own wardrobe!!
No one will steal my clothes anymoreee!! Yippie!!!!!

:) :) :)

So here are some photos from my room ...