Isn't it magical? The fact that I met this wonderful guy, from a wonderful family, having this amazing affection not only to me but also to his surroundings?
Why am I so blessed?
Thank You, Lord, for reminding me today, about obiedience, about patience, about sincerity, about the right spirit.
I am beyond thankful. Yes, he is totally worth the fight.
Friday, August 29, 2014
It is always easy to give up. It is always easy to be a quitter, or a loser.
It has been a tough week, a long day. I just hope I did the right thing.
It is always easy to feel that you are broken; to be the victim; to feel weak as if everything is beyond your control. There are in fact too many times I let my emotions define who I am.
Things went different way this time. It is no longer a good type of 'peeling' anymore. You have come to the scar, and for sure it is nothing convenient. You have come to the idea of losing, of letting go if things go unwell.
Weird, but you feel nothing but ready. Is that even a sign?
When you can't sleep because you thought you couldn't accept it.
In the end, you know you'll end up just find.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
I believe we know exactly what we need. We know our strengths and weaknesses at the same time. We know how to make our lives more meaningful, yet under whatever reasons, we just let ourselves get carried away. Something is definitely wrong here. Please tell me why.
Monday, August 4, 2014
I am fantasizing many things, good and bad. I know I'll lose you because I did these for so many times. I am nothing but a broken glass, I can't be fixed.
Had these amazing ideas of how we should spend meaningful times together. Hiking to the peaks (haha I know how random it sounds), do a movie marathon, read books and have that silly yet insightful discussion, do some sport exercises together, participate in some volunteering activities, cook together or many other splendid things. Hmmmmm.....